Chapter 28: Mission Tactics

Commander's Intent and Mission Tactics can be very effective in business!

 For Trust-Based Leadersh...

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Chapter 26: Professional Reputation

"Get the essentials of leadership right and the money usually follows."

 Find Book Here:  Trust-Bas...

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Chapter 18: The 5 Laws of Leadership

"While there are countless leadership axioms, sayings, quotes, etc. (many of which are mentioned in ...

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Success breeds complacency when an organization is led by leaders who fail to anticipate the unantic...

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Semper FI

75 years ago today, 30,000 U.S. Marines landed on Iwo Jima, igniting one of the bloodiest battles of...

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Meetings Reveal Culture

On Time – Fully Prepared – Fully Engaged.

This simple mantra communicated what was expected of ever...

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How Not to Lead

It’s good to be known as a leader who leads by example and demands excellence from his team. It’s no...

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A Leadership Map for the Future

Predictions for the future can be stimulating and challenging, especially when attempting to make st...

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Do You Know Today Who Will Lead Your Company Tomorrow?

In my role as an executive leadership coach, I routinely speak with senior leaders from a variety of...

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The Marine Corps Trusted Me

This picture was taken in 1977 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. I was 20 ye...

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4 Questions the Best Generals (and Executives) Ask Themselves!

Note: This article is based on a chapter in an upcoming book that will describe how I effectivel...

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America Needs Leaders: Will You Be Ready?

American executives and other senior leaders are retiring en masse, creating unprecedented promo...

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A Leader’s Highest Responsibility!

One measure of an executive’s effectiveness is his or her ability to attract and hire talented and h...

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Is Common Sense Common in Your Company?

After a career in the Marine Corps that spanned more than two decades, I was blessed with the opport...

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Does Your Team Make Their Beds?

On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven, a Navy SEAL officer and the commander of U.S. Special O...

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America’s Leadership Shortage = Your Opportunity!

Senior leaders are retiring at a rate that has made it impossible for companies across all industrie...

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