A Leader’s Highest Responsibility!

One measure of an executive’s effectiveness is his or her ability to attract and hire talented and highly-capable people. Equally important is their ability to retain and develop the talent that is already present at various levels within the organizations they are responsible for.

One of the best ways a leader can acquire the ability to attract and retain talented teammates is to establish a reputation for being a “Developer of People.” High-achieving individuals with the right kind of ambition typically have a strong and relentless desire for self-improvement. They value and appreciate leaders who take a vested interest in developing them and helping them maximize their potential.

In many instances, they will eagerly leave comfortable positions, move thousands of miles and even be willing to take a pay cut to be able to work with a leader who is known for mentoring and developing his or her teammates. I dare say that most people reading this article fall into one of two categories;

Those who have made a career move to work for and with a “Developer of People.”
Those who would do so without hesitation if the opportunity presented itself.
If you desire to achieve great things, find a way to work with a “Developer of People.”

If you desire to be a great leader, you must become one!

“While we teach, we learn.” – Seneca

-Mike Ettore